Cancellation Policy

At Todlerry, we understand that sometimes plans change and you may need to cancel your order. We want to make the cancellation process as easy and hassle-free as possible for you.

If you wish to cancel your order, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible. You can reach us by email at Our dedicated team is available to assist you with any cancellation requests.

When contacting us, please provide your order number and the reason for cancellation. This will help us process your request more efficiently.

Please note that we can only cancel orders that have not yet been shipped. Once your order has been shipped, we are unable to cancel it. In such cases, you may need to return the items following our return policy.

If your order has not been shipped, we will cancel it and initiate a refund for the full amount paid. The refund will be issued to the original payment method used during the checkout process. Please allow [refund processing time] for the refund to be processed and reflected in your account.

It's important to keep in mind that if you cancel your order after it has been shipped, you will be responsible for the return shipping costs. Once the returned items are received and inspected, we will issue a refund for the cost of the items, excluding the original shipping fees.

If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding our cancellation policy, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team. We are here to help and ensure your shopping experience with Todlerry is enjoyable and stress-free.